Software for Repair & Service Tickets

Take control of your musical instrument repair and service process from start to finish with management software for estimates, loaners, warranties and more.

"Everything we need lives on AIM and you can see the whole picure" ~ John and Linda Bolzenious Owners of Guitar House Workshop

Instrument Repair & Service Software

  • Prepare work tickets and generate estimates.
  • Track inventory loaned to the customer while the item is repaired.
  • Add multiple repair tickets to the same customer account without leaving the repair ticket window each time a new ticket is saved.
  • Set up a common repairs table, then select from the table when entering tickets.
  • Attach parts to repairs when implementing the common repairs table to save time.
  • View warranty information for items purchased or rented from your store.
  • Assign a technician to the service order.
  • Establish a recommended next-service date, as well as an automatic reminder letter.
  • Assign multiple tickets for a customer to a single, easily accessible master ticket.

Add Active-e to let customers approve musical instrument repair or service estimates online through to completion.

Ready to Transform Your Operations with AIM?

Let our experts walk you through a free, no-obligation demo.